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Digital Citizenship Countries

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The implications for state borders and the identity of citizens are becoming more critical as global integration increases. Some scholars suggest that recognizing dual citizenship reveals the extent to which cross-national immigration requires states to formally recognize, through dual citizenship, a multiplicity of national identities.

The advantages of setting up residency include the ability in that country to bank and conduct business and obtain health benefits there. In certain countries, the cost of living is lower and the weather may be more desirable, depending on your utopia idea.

While the lowest cost of living usually requires relocation to a developing country, many expats are more interested in establishing a developed facility and a reasonably stable government system in a first or second world country.

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Definition Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level.


States also historically requested “perpetual allegiance” from their people, except though citizens moved and became naturalized abroad, demanding exclusive allegiance to the sovereign state. This was reflected in the 1930 Hague Convention on Nationality, which reads: “.   every person should have a nationality and one nationality only”. Although the concept of “nation” has been notoriously difficult to define and may be based upon an ethnic lineage, a constructed community, or “family resemblances”, it is inherently exclusive.

As a consequence of political tensions from immigrant communities, states may therefore accept dual citizenship.

The conventional geographical borders of the state over human privileges and state membership and national citizenship are threatened by cross-national citizen flows and the rising fluidity of national boundaries.

From this perspective, dual citizenship is a symbol of membership in an increasingly global society in which nations are embedded within institutional environments characterized by international law, transnational politics, and international associations. The following lines there will be presented the system of digital citizenship

Residency vs. Citizenship

Any terminology, first. The fundamental distinction between citizenship and immigration is that you will get a visa, fly quickly, vote, and are typically given all the privileges of people born in that nation when you become a resident of another country. In comparison, citizenship usually ensures you can move openly, operate in that country, remain in that country, but not even the same privileges as a resident are given.

  • Citizenship by Investment (CIP): These are schemes where, in return for full citizenship and a visa, you will pay a premium (usually about $100,000) or invest inland. Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Grenada, Dominica, Cyprus, and Malta are countries that fall into this bucket.
  • Golden Visas: Golden visas are given to wealthy individuals who can afford to invest in government-run services or assets or make significant contributions or gifts in the $250,000 and up category, close to CIP but not explicitly promising citizenship. This generally gives civil rights to persons and their relatives. Spain, Canada, Portugal, Greece, New Zealand, and the UK are some of these nations.

A Digital Society- Estonian Case

Named ‘the most advanced digital society in the world’ by Wired, Estonia has built an efficient, secure and transparent ecosystem where 99% of governmental services are online. It is no surprise then that Estonians have designed numerous digital solutions to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

E-Estonia Briefing Centre is here to guide you through all the digitalization stages and offer services that can be tailored to your needs, both in-person and online.

An apples-to-oranges exercise compares Estonia with larger Western countries such as the UK or the US. For example, compared to Estonia, the British and American governments are much more complex and Byzantine, with various departments and laws that may change depending on where you are in the country.

Never mind the fact that the larger the country, the harder it is to establish a digital one-stop-shop society like Estonia’s. You might have lots of people speaking lots of languages in a big country, which complicates things when you have a small and homogenous place, it is easier to streamline services.

Estonian government and society have always understood that we have to be open to the world as a small economy – especially in trade and investment. Thus, any measures that improve the business climate are well-regarded and sought for.

Countries to Obtain Permanent Residency As a Foreign Investor

Be aware that you may be subject to your new country’s taxes by setting up permanent residency or becoming a citizen. You could owe taxes to two nations if you have dual citizenship or have resident status and citizenship in another. Investigate what foreign tax credits are available in both countries when considering dual citizenship in tax planning. The United States, for instance, allows taxpayers to reduce the taxes they owe in the United States by the amount they have paid in another country. According to many experts, another option to avoid the tax trap is to regularly leave a foreign country and reapply for a tourist visa. This, of course, has its apparent risks and raises the issue of whether you are allowed to work in your foreign home.

Here are several countries, but before making a decision, analyze and consult attorneys and tax advisors in both locations before making a decision


Singapore is one of the best countries for permanent residency to be created in. You must be the spouse or child of a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore, the elderly parent of a citizen of Singapore, the holder of a job or S-pass for mid-range professional employees, a student studying in Singapore, or a foreign investor to apply.

In certain circumstances, after two years, permanent residents may qualify for Singapore citizenship. Students applying for citizenship shall live in the city-state for a total of three years (in which at least one is a permanent resident).16

There is one big caveat, in any case. Both male and permanent residents are eligible under Singapore legislation to serve in the military and undertake two years of active service. Subsequently, the provisions include 40 days of service a year for officers up to 50 years of age and 40 days of service per year for officers up to 40 years of age, among other ranks.


Why does the notion of retirement from France appeal to you? If you are a non-EU resident, securing a long-stay visa is the first step towards immigrating to France. This visa can only be obtained at the French Embassy in the applicant’s home country and is a prerequisite for any individual intending to remain longer than three months in France. From there, prospective migrants may apply for a temporary residence permit (renewable and good for one year) or a permanent permit (renewable) (valid for ten years and renewable).

To qualify for a citizenship visa, you would remain in France for five years. You are now eligible for French citizenship for five years of residency. Entry to schooling, housing, and other services is offered by both immigration and citizenship. Only people can vote, however. You will then become a member of the European Union as a French citizen and appreciate the freedom to travel about easily through other EU states.


You would need to have stayed in Belgium for at least five years before applying for permanent residence as a non-EU resident. After five years, citizens of the EU, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland are legally awarded permanent citizenship. Non-EU residents, though, need to request an application that requires evidence that you have not left Belgium for more than six months during your five-year eligibility period.

As Belgian citizens, permanent immigrants possess equal privileges. This means entry, along with the ability to vote, to jobs, schooling, and welfare benefits. Citizenship provides special privileges, such as the freedom to leave the nation without sacrificing the citizenship for up to two years.


Brazil’s beauty and environment make it an appealing destination for ex-pats, but the cost of living is higher than you would think and the US. To apply for a retirement visa, you must have recorded at least R$6,000 in wages per month (or $1,300 as of February 2020) to qualify for a retirement visa. If you are followed by more than two workers, from the third employee on, you would need an estimated R$2,000 a month.5 If you intend to move on an investment visa, be prepared to spend R$500,000 purchasing or starting up a new company.

Another matter is becoming a resident of Brazil. You must first be a permanent citizen with evidence of an uninterrupted stay of at least four years. You must still be able to interpret Portuguese and compose it. Otherwise, before applying for citizenship, you would have resided in Brazil for more than 15 uninterrupted years.


A permanent residency visa usually eliminates much of the day-to-day problems facing ex-pats, based on each country’s laws. It is a severe move to take the next step of being a citizen of another country, especially if it involves renouncing your own rather than dual nationality. Look at the repercussions for yourself and your mates. Even if your government is allowed dual nationality, and the United States does, your new home will not.

As a consequence of international tourism, relocation, and international industry, people’s global movements will begin to animate the debate on residency rights for new immigrants of foreign countries. Nevertheless, we also stress the significance of understanding the connection between the impact on immigration of dual citizenship.

There are significant political and social consequences for foreign immigrants to accept dual citizenship or lack of adoption, and we propose that more studies examine these implications.


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