Sorin DUMITRU is a serial entrepreneur and the Founder & CEO of Business Accelerator HUB, one of the leading global business platforms focused on identifying, educating and growing talented and dedicated entrepreneurs to succed in business in an accelerated pace.

Sorin is considered one of the most complex entrepreneurial mind, starting its first business at 18 years old with a software development company, focused on educational software and continuing building his knowledge package with the following:
- business development on national and international market (EU, MENA, CSI);
- community development and management of over 10k entrepreneurs;
- online marketing, with skills in SEO, Social Media Ads, content writing;
- business and EU funding consultancy for companies;
- web design, graphic design, video editing;
- email marketing and email funnels building;
- international tenders offering to government entities;
- R&D innovative products development projects;
- government and private companies project management and technical project management;
- experts recruiting and training;
- business analysis;
- product development and management;
- sales management;
- events organizer and promoter;
- national and international speaker on business and techology.
Having all these background skills, Sorin is considered to be a promoter of business accelerator approach, using technology and skills to grow businesses faster and ensuring their long lasting development through a strong business development strategy.
He is currently running multiple businesses focused on helping entrepreneurs grow trough knowledge and funds, being the Founder of a local business portal and community in Romania and Moldavia, co-Founder of a business consultancy company that supports companies all over Europe to access EU funds and develop international business through his pool of partners from over 20 countries, facilitating access to top companies and Founder of eCommerce businesses focusing on local and international markets.
Sorin Dumitru’s Biography
Sorin started his entrepreneurial journey at 18 years old, as a co-Founder of a business that developed educational software, selling it to schools and students to use it for learning, practicing and to test thei knowledge levels.
He studied Cybernetics and developed further his programming skills and technical knowledge, participating in multiple contests and taking first places in each one of them with his project ideas.
After exiting his first business, we worked in the field of document management and archiving, moving further towards a technology corporation in order to develop business on the international market. He worked with clients and partners from over 20 countries, providing high-complexity software solutions and business services to private companies and governmental bodies.
He started an ambitious project with the objective of helping companies develop faster, making use of all the knowledge, tools and connections he built and decided to share, in order for others to succeed and realise the potential that exists in each business area of interest to entrepreneurs.
This project was well received, entrepreneurs confirmed the need and appreciated the quality of services and information provided, which triggered the impulse of replicating this success internationally in its most ambitious project.
Identifying that even for big companies the money is a permanent issue, Sorin decided to build a company in partnership with a very skilled funding consultancy partner and provide support to businesses in accessing EU funds, European Commission Funds, Government funds and funding from private funds and investors, promoting as well the option of receiving funds for innovative products and technology development, to support high skilled entrepreneurs in bringing their ideas and products to the market.
To complete the picture, his team also offers online marketing and social media management in order for companies to grow online and gain access to more clients.
In 2021, Sorin started developing one of the most reputable global business portals, focusing on quality and professional services that will accelerate businesses that join our HUB. Join us!